The Times of India

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Principle of Leveraging

Archimedes once said, “Give me a lever long enough and I could move the world.”

The concept of Leverage is important when it comes to money, business and wealth. The principle of leverage is a powerful tool we can use to get ahead financially in life.

In technical view or in primary school science,leverage is to do with seesaws, fulcrums and pivots.A lever allows you to use less force to lift or move objects and this concept is applied in a lot of the everyday products we use such as scissors,doors etc

With respect to money, we can likewise use the principle of leverage to accelerate our financial ambitions. When studied properly and intelligently applied, leveraging will allow us to earn more with less work comparatively.

We should learn to invest in ourselves. Read books, attend seminars, join communities and expand knowledg in whatever way possiblee. The more we practice or read etc,the more we get skilled and talented

When it comes to financial means using other people’s money (and work) and making it work for us. The value, utility and purpose of this type of leverage is probably the fountainhead of wealth.

When we simply rely on our own capability to save money alone, then it will take some time before we can invest and accumulate wealth. But by utilizing our resources and assets to acquire good debt (an investment debt that creates value), then we can expect exponential growth on our money.

Resource leveraging,it refer to it as the power of collaboration. In businesses,especially for beginner entrepreneurs,there is a huge possibility that they fall into the trap of self-employment. It’s common to see intelligent, eager and optimistic persons who started a business which eventually closed after less than a year just because the person got tired of running it on his own.

Place controls in your business and learn to employ other people to work for you. Investigate partnerships for your business and always consider using the aid of other individuals and experts to help you plan your actions and accomplish your tasks.

The best part is that applying the concept of leverage is very simple in Amway business compared with other businesses,mainly due to the reason that in other businesses one need to find persons who are trustworthy to be made as a partner since financial risks are involved,while in Amway,the opportunities are equal and all the ABOs have the same responsibilities.

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